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I’ll have whatever she’s drinking!

June 18, 2013

Live Happy truckLive Happy truck

The new local company selling bottled water, Happy Water, has set up shop just around the corer from the bottle depot where I cash in my daily hauls of returnable containers. Here’s one of their “Live Happy” promotional trucks preparing to go off and promote. As I snapped the first photo, I could hear a woman’s voice, and before I could take the second photo, the Happy Water spokesperson/presenter had jumped, perfectly posed, into the shot. “Okay, just this once,” I thought. I’ve previously mentioned Happy Water in connection with their pin-up style marketing imagery.. Click the images to enlarge them.

Couldn’t help noticing Happy Water when they moved into the warehouse space just between Manitoba, and Ontario Streets, half a block from the Go Green bottle depot. I noticed all those plastic water bottles, and told myself to keep my eyes open for opportunity. Some months later, I saw the big, grey, wheeled garbage bin right away, from half a block away, and I could see the few, glistening plastic water bottles peeking out under the lid. The bin was in the lane, so, fair game, thinks I. Popping the lid presented the bewildering sight of many garbage bags, all full of plastic water bottles. Not all Happy Water bottles, but mostly, and they were used — some flattened, some partially full, definitely all drunk from. I leisurely “processed” (emptied, and flattened) five full garbage bags-worth of bottles. With two bags left, another binner, Ray, came through the lane, and I “gave” him the rest. He turned up at the depot twenty minutes later to tell me how, as he’d been clearing out the bin, a fellow had come out of the Happy Water warehouse, and given him royal hell. Since then, I notice that when that bin comes out, it stays up on their loading dock. All the same, thank you very much guys.

  1. ~xtian permalink

    Happy Water – isn’t that called vodka? 😉 Seriously though – this and the chickadees not crapping on your camera lens just brightened a cold wet antipodean morning.


  2. Thank you. I shake my head and laugh that people can now sell bottled water in Vancouver. For decades, and decades, the cleanest, and tastiest, glacier-derived tap water. But we’ve played havoc with our watersheds — about five years ago we actually had a boil water alert one winter! Bet chickadees don’t even foul their nests like that! I know an antipodean from New Zealand. She knows everthing there is to know about wool.


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